Program Assessment
Assessment at Laredo College
Laredo College has established a systematic and integrated institution-wide process that is designed to allow the opportunity to evaluate and demonstrate continuous improvement in all aspects of the college. The process incorporates the alignment of the institution’s mission, strategic plan, assessment, and budget processes. All educational programs, administrative units, and educational and student support areas participate in the process.
The College utilizes the assessment management software Weave Education to document and manage the assessment process. The link to WEAVE Education is available here.
Assessment Framework for Instructional Programs and Student Service Units
The institution follows an assessment framework consisting of the fundamental steps as illustrated in the graphic below:
1. Identify – Development of expected outcomes to include strategic plan association at the beginning of the cycle
(Timeframe: September to October)
2. Assess – Collection of appropriate data based on identified measures and targets
3. Analyze – Analysis of data is conducted to determine extent expected outcomes were met
4. Improve – Documentation of improvements resulting from assessment and/or plans for further analysis
Each program is in charge of developing and executing their annual assessment plans. Each instructional program has an identified Assessment Coordinator who provides guidance throughout the process. Academic programs align student learning outcomes to course student learning outcomes as established by the THECB’s Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM). Workforce educational programs align their student learning outcomes to standards and expectations set by their respective disciplinary accreditation agencies and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM). Administrative and academic/student support units provide vital contributions to the continuous improvement process through their assessment efforts.