If you are experiencing an emergency or believe you are in danger, call 911 or Campus Police (956) 721-5303.
Report an Incident
If you have a complaint of Sexual Misconduct (including Title IX Sexual Harassment and/or Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct), click here to report an incident.
Reporting an Incident
Laredo College encourages individuals to seek assistance for incidents involving gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, or other actions prohibited by Title IX. Laredo College provides a variety of options available to an individual, so that each person may choose a path for response best suited to their particular situation. Laredo College’s procedures are intended to protect the rights of the complaining party (“the complainant”), the accused (“the respondent”), and the community.
Any allegation of sexual or related misconduct, including gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other or other actions prohibited by Title IX brought against a Laredo College student, staff, or faculty member will be taken seriously.