Research Review Requests
Thank you for your interest in conducting research with Laredo College.
A Research Review Committee is established to review and approve research involving human subjects. The goal is to ensure that all human subject research be conducted in accordance with all federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines. The committee is comprised of faculty and staff and is co-chaired by Dr. David Arreazola, Vice President of Compliance and Risk Management and Dr. Veronica Martinez, Associate Vice President of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. The committee convenes monthly on the first Tuesday of the month to review submitted applications. Only complete applications will be reviewed.
In order to submit a research request, the following documentation must be submitted:
- Completed application form: Link to Education Research Request Form
- Copy of approved request from the requesting institution’s review board (if research will be done for a graduate or doctoral degree).
- Certificate of Completion for the NIH or CITI training course on Protecting Human Research Participants.
- Copy of the instrument/questions and procedures to be used for data collection, based on type of research being conducted (e.g., Survey, Interview, Observation, Case study, etc.)
The request form provides a succinct overview of the process as well as clearly defines all research categories (Exempt, Expedited, and Full Review).
Once research requests are reviewed, the committee will determine whether:
- Request is approved.
- Request is deferred pending further revisions.
- Request is not approved.
For additional information regarding the research review process, please contact: