Student Conduct Process

Student Conduct Process

The purpose of this process is to provide a fair and consistent way of addressing student misconduct that violates Laredo College’s Student Code of Conduct.  The Student Code of Conduct defines the expectations and responsibilities of students at our college, and aims to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for all members of our campus community.

The process consists of the following:

Step 1: Report

When the office of Student Discipline gets a report about a possible Code of Conduct violation, the Office of Student Discipline sends a letter to the student. This letter usually has details like the meeting date, time, and location, as well as the alleged Code of Conduct violations. 

Step 2: Student Disciplinary Hearing

During the student disciplinary meeting the students will be given the opportunity to:

  • Learn about their rights and responsibilities in the student conduct process.
  • Respond to the allegations.
  • Look at the information given to the Office of Student Discipline.
  • Share any relevant documents related to the allegations and incident.

Step 3: Resolution

Once the investigation is complete, the student conduct administrator will make a ruling regarding responsibility and will disclose the determination of any consequent sanctions in accordance with the FM - Discipline and Penalties policy listed below:

Penalties for Student Misconduct

A student shall be subject to discipline for violations of College District policies and procedures, including the rules outlining expectations for student conduct [see FLB]. If a student commits an infraction or engages in misconduct, the College District may impose one or more of the following penalties:

  1. Reprimand - A verbal or written warning to the student following a rule violation. Repetition of such misconduct may result in more severe disciplinary action.
  2. Restitution - Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damage.
  3. Scholastic penalties - The assignment of a failing grade on an assignment or examination or in a course by a faculty member based on scholastic dishonesty; including cheating, collusion, and plagiarism; committed by a student. The faculty member shall submit a written report of the incident and of the planned action to the faculty member's dean.
  4. Conditional Probation - The placing of a student on notice that continued infraction of regulations may result in suspension or expulsion from the College District. Conditional probation may include restrictions on a student's rights and privileges or specified community service. The probation may be for a specified length of time or for an indefinite period according to the relative severity of the infraction or misconduct. Failure to fulfill the terms of the probation may lead to suspension or expulsion.
  5. Suspension - Forced withdrawal from the College District for either a definite period of time or until stated conditions have been met. Normally, suspension shall extend through a minimum of one regular long semester (with summer sessions not counting in the one semester minimum time lapse). However, suspension may exceed the one semester minimum.
  6. Expulsion - Permanent forced withdrawal from the College District. A student receiving disciplinary expulsion shall have the action noted in the student's permanent record.
The sanctions imposed by the college are separate and independent from any legal or criminal actions that may be taken by other authorities. The college may also cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of any criminal offenses involving student misconduct.

Suspended or Expelled Students

No former student who has been suspended or expelled from the College District for disciplinary reasons shall be permitted on the campus or other facilities of the College District, initiated into an honorary or service organization, or permitted to receive credit for academic work done in residence or by correspondence or extension during the period of suspension or expulsion without the prior written approval of the College President or a designated representative.


Student Conduct Flowcharts

Click Disruptive Behavior to view flowchart.

Click Scholastic Dishonesty to view flowchart.