Laredo College has been closely monitoring the weather forecast for Webb County and surrounding areas for next week. After careful assessment and consideration, the college will continue normal operations on Monday, Jan. 20. Both campuses will close on Tuesday, Jan. 21. All activities, classes and services will be canceled for the day. Normal operations will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. We urge everyone in our community to remain vigilant and heed the advice of local authorities.


Respondus is a free application available to Laredo College students for their home computers. Respondus Lockdown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Canvas.  Respondus Monitor records the student while taking the exam and is available for Windows, Mac, and Chromebooks.

Using LockDown Browser and a Webcam for Online Exams

Online courses require the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam for exams. The webcam can be built into your computer or can be the type that plugs in with a USB cable. Watch this short video to get a basic understanding of the Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor webcam feature: Introduction to Lockdown Browser.

Respondus Support


Online Testing Guidelines

Best Practices

Computer Lab and Testing Services

eLearning Labs

Online Final Exams

Testing Schedule