Cosmetology Department

Welcome to the Cosmetology Department



The Cosmetology Program offers a Level I Certificate that will prepare students with the skill and knowledge for a successful career in the Cosmetology Industry. A student must be registered full-time to complete this program in two semesters. This program is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce and to meet the requirements for Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation State Board Examination.  State Board Examination


Program Mission Statement


The mission of our program is to provide our students with a quality educational experience.   Our goal is to prepare and inspire our students with the skills and innovative ideas needed to become successful in the beauty industry.


Program Goals And Objectives: 


  • Teach students the basic and current techniques of Cosmetology
  • Prepare students for the TDLR State Board Exam (Written/Practical)
  • Prepare students for employment

Fort McIntosh


Contact Us
Visual and Performing Arts Building Rooom: 120
Laredo College
West End Washington Street
Laredo, Texas 78040
Phone: 956.721.5187
Fax: 956.721.5266