Campus Carry at Laredo College
As of June 2015, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott signed Senate Bill 11, which permits licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on public college and university campuses in Texas beginning August 1, 2017. After meaningful discussions with students, staff, and faculty regarding safety considerations, the nature of the student population, and the uniqueness of the campus environment, Laredo College has adopted rules and regulations on Campus Carry.
The following areas are designated as “No-Carry” zones where the carry of handguns is strictly prohibited:
1. All day care facilities located at Laredo College;
2. All outdoor sports complexes and fields located at Fort McIntosh and the South Campuses;
3. Maravillo Gym located at the Fort McIntosh Campus;
4. Special services center offices located at Fort McIntosh and the South Campuses;
5. International Boundary & Water Commission (P-27) located on the Fort McIntosh Campus;
6. The concealed carry of handguns is prohibited in areas in which formal hearings are being conducted, including rooms 101, 102, and the Samuel A. Meyer Board Room located in the Elpha Lee West Administrative Building at the Fort Macintosh Campus and the Dean's Conference Room located in room 215 of the Billy Hall Student Center.
View a complete list of Laredo College rules and regulations for campus carry.