Types of Scholarships

Types of Scholarships

Of course the most common gifts, and most helpful for our students, are scholarships and stipends. With increases in tuition rates, and the sky-high prices of textbooks, students are pressed more and more to fund their education, and federal financial assistance often falls short. Scholarships and stipends provided by community minded donors, be they businesses or private citizens, are making career goals a reality for students of all ages who are pursuing their dream of obtaining a college education.

The following types of scholarships and stipends available at LC:

Traditional Scholarship:  This type of funding may be established for a particular student or discipline and may be given on a semester basis.   Criteria may be established designating a specific grade point average, financial need, and previous academic achievement.  These funds may be donated on a yearly basis but do not accrue interest.  They may be named, and they often are awarded during the college’s annual Student Scholarship Awards Night.

Endowed Scholarship:  This type of funding is generated through the accrued interest from endowment accounts.  It also follows the same type of criteria as  that of the traditional scholarship.