Summer CARES Act Funding (MSI) 


This government relief program is no longer available

Summer CARES Act Funding (MSI) 

The Financial Aid Emergency Grant Application is now available for those Title IV qualified students who are eligible to receive funding from the CARES Act Grant. Laredo College students who were enrolled in the SUMMER 2020 semester and were impacted by the COVID -19 pandemic, which was declared on March 13, 2020, can submit this online application.

Laredo College has received the U.S. Department of Education Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) funded by the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was passed by Congress and signed into law in March. 

The CARES Act money will be distributed to students that meet certain requirements. These funds will be used to assist Title IV eligible students as part of the Federal Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to directly support Title IV eligible students who are facing financial challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Laredo College Title IV eligible students will have access to the U.S. Department of Education Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds. The CARES Act funds (MSI) will be used to address Financial Hardship (To include: Housing, Utilities, Lack of Educational Support, Food, Technology, Medical Expenses, Books, Supplies, Transportation expenses, Gas and Health Insurance) due to the COVID-19 epidemic.


Criteria for Summer CARES Act Funding (MSI)  
Summer Financial Hardship Allowable Expenses  
Laredo College Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report - MSI  

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Fort McIntosh
Lerma Peña Building Room 143
South Campus
Billy Hall One Stop Shop Room 109