Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Exams

Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Exam


 The Assessment Center at South Campus offers the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) exams. Automotive professionals can earn certification through the ASE Exam.

General Information

 ASE Exams are administered at the South Campus only

  • Exams are administered to candidates who are attempting to become master mechanics in their respective field(s)
  • Exams are open for 3 months, then closed for 1 month throughout the calendar year
  • Exams are computer-based
  • Candidates must have an Eligibility ID (issued by ASE) and a confirmation number (after purchasing an exam) in order to schedule an appointment.

Register for an ASE Exam

In order to schedule a date for an ASE exam, candidates must call the South Campus Assessment Center at 956-794-4418 at least 48 hours in advance. Same-day appointments are not guaranteed.

Candidates must register and pay for their respective exams first through the ASE website at: 

Candidates are asked to report 30 minutes prior to their scheduled exam. Candidates must have a valid (NOT EXPIRED) government-issued photo ID AND a copy of their registration ticket with their ASE number AND confirmation number for payment of exam fees the day of their exam.