Application Requirements
- Must have a High School Diploma or GED
- Apply to Admissions to Laredo College and must be accepted (click here for more information )
- Students must meet a High Intermediate Reading Level assessment (Assessment will be provided by the Cosmetology Department.)
Selection Process
- Be on the Cosmetology Program Waiting List (Student name will be active only for one year, being on the waiting list does not guarantee a spot in the program)
- Registration is based on a first-come, first-served basis
- Clear all holds at the Registrars and Admissions office
- Students must meet with a Cosmetology Professor for Advising and to obtain a registration permit
- Student must take the registration permit to the registrar's office to register for the Cosmetology courses (the registration permit will expire in three business days)
Conditional Acceptance:
A student accepted in the Cosmetology Program must submit the following documentation for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) SHEARS (Student Hour and Enrollment Automated Reporting System) registration to obtain a Texas Operator Student Permit Number to practice Cosmetology salon services.
- Copy of Social Security Card or TDLR Student Permit Application
- A profile picture sized: 2 in. x 2 in. (passport picture)
- A government-issued ID (Ex. Passport, State ID, Driver License, Matricula Consular)
- A $25 money order for first-time SHEARS registration
Requirements must be met by the first-class date to remain enrolled in the Cosmetology Program.
Program Schedule
The Cosmetology Program is a two semesters shedule. (FALL & SPRING)
Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 1:00pm
*One hour lunch
TDLR Criminal Background Check
Every individual who applies for a license with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (“the Department”) is subject to a criminal background check to determine his or her suitability for the license. In 2009, the Texas Legislature enacted new provisions to allow a person to find out before applying whether he or she would likely be denied a license due to his or her criminal history. This was due to the time and expense involved in applying for a license, which in some cases includes completing required education and taking an examination. See Section 51.4012 and Chapter 53, Subchapter D, of the Occupations Code, which allow a person to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the Department, prior to actually applying for a license. Notice of Potential Ineligibility for License is included at the end of this handbook. For more information follow the links below: