Laredo College has been closely monitoring the weather forecast for Webb County and surrounding areas for next week. After careful assessment and consideration, the college will continue normal operations on Monday, Jan. 20. Both campuses will close on Tuesday, Jan. 21. All activities, classes and services will be canceled for the day. Normal operations will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. We urge everyone in our community to remain vigilant and heed the advice of local authorities.

Anti-virus Security Guidelines

Anti-virus Security Guidelines

Adhere to the following guidelines and tips for protecting your computer system from email computer viruses:

  • Do not open e-mail attachments from unknown parties. Even a Microsoft Word document that seems innocent enough (a joke list) may contain dangerous cargo that will execute upon opening.  Delete this type of email.
  • Do not open e-mail attachments that end with .zip .exe, .bat, .com or .vbs extensions. These attachments are programs -- not data files -- and are the most common way to infect a computer system. Be especially careful of attachments that look like resume.txt.vbs. The .txt is not the file extension, the .vbs is and this file contains a Visual Basic script that can potentially devastate an entire network.  Delete this type of email.
  • Clear your MS Outlook Deleted Items Folder immediately after deleting any suspected computer viruses.  Use your mouse and Right-Click the Deleted Items Folder and then select ‘Empty Deleted Items Folder.’
  • Viruses can break into your e-mail address book and e-mail the virus to all of your friends and contacts. They think they are receiving e-mail from a trusted source. This is why it is very important to check the extensions on any attachments.
  • Never visit an Internet link e-mailed from an unknown or suspicious source. The link may point your browser to a Web site that can infect your network with a JavaScript applet.
  • Call our office at extension 5312 to submit a work order for the installation of the computer anti-virus program adopted for our college computers.  IT Technical Support staff will instruct you on how to keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.

All college Internet/Email users are expected to be familiar with and comply with the Internet Guidelines and Policy at the following Web link: Internet Usage Policies

Violations of these policies can lead to revocation of electronic communications system privileges and/or disciplinary action.  Such suspected violations will be confidentially reported to the appropriate supervisors.