LC Food Court

Welcome to the LC Food Court

A variety of food choices are currently offered at the Fort McIntosh and South Campus. For the Spring 2024 semester, students enrolled for 12 Semester Credit Hours and taking at least 3 SCH on a face-to-face basis are eligible for the Laredo College Meal Plan. The meal plan provides students free funds that may be used to purchase food on campus. All food vendors at both campuses are currently participating in our Laredo College Meal Plan. Unused funds expire on May 10, 2024. Unused funds are lost and do not rollover to the next semester. 

LC Food Court Vendors


When on the LC campuses, plates can be satisfied at the LC Kazen Student Center cafeteria or the Academic and Advanced Technology Center (AAC) at the South Campus. A daily menu for breakfast and lunch is sold year-round for the benefit of students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. The Food Court at Ft. McIntosh campus location serves meals from Chic-Fil-A, Taco Palenque, Gateway Bagel Company, and Sendero Coffee Shop. At the South Campus, Eduardo's Restaurant and Sendero Coffee Shop offer breakfast and lunch menus. 

Fort McIntosh Campus

Kazen Student Center 
Laredo College
West End Washington Street 
Laredo, Texas 78040
Food Services Office: 956.721.5181
Cashier Area: 956.721.5141

South Campus 

Academic & Advanced Technology Center (AAC) - Building C 
Laredo College
5500 South Zapata Highway
Laredo, Texas 78046
Cashier Area: 956.794.4039

Hours of Operation

Fort McIntosh Campus  
South Campus